Once again Rockstar produces a Great game, one to add to your PS2 collection without haste.

User Rating: 9.2 | Bully PS2
Intro : Canis Canem Edit or Bully as it's known else where tells the tale of a 15 year old boy named Jimmy, his mother has just married a wealthy guy and they are off on there honeymoon for a year leaving Jimmy behind at a boarding school named Bullworth here is where Jimmys adventure begins.

Graphics : Graphically this is really good a much better graphics engine is used comapred to the ones that Rockstar normaly uses but that's because there isn't as much as what you would get in GTA game so they clearly have more DVD space and memory to make the better visuals, nothing is CGI all the cut scenes etc use the in game engine just as Rockstar do for their other games, speaking of the cut scenes they are great the animation in the faces etc and the dialog is top quality.

Sound : As i said in the Graphics section the dialog is great not only for the cut scenes but in general also, as you go around the school you hear students talk to each other, Taunting and generally anything you would hear in a highschool minus any strong language, the music is ok there are no soundtracks like in the GTA games it would have been cool if you could get a portable CD player or MP3 player to replace the radio ststions that GTA uses I guess the graphical improvements didn't leave enough space for such a option. Gameplay : This is the main part and i have to say it's great, upon starting the game your left at the school gates and have to make your way to the principal's office and the usual tutorial style gameplay comes into effect here and right off the bat you have enemies who are intent in kicking your head in for being the new kid which leads us to the different types of Student at Bullworth. There are four types who have their own look and behaviour, there are the nerds who wear glasses are very brainy and tend to be the ones that get picked on a lot most walk around or hang out at the library, next is the Jocks these hang out by the Gym and field area they are not too bright but they are tough not the type to mess around with at the start, next is the Greasers they hang around the Autoshop and do what ever they want they wear what they want and like jocks have no hesitation in beating the stuffing out of anyone they see, last is the Preppies they are the rich kids who look down on anyone without money which is basically everyone else they have their own area and uniform etc and will have a go at you if you stray into their area although they are not that tough, Also walking around are the Prefects they are looking for any trouble that is caused either by you or anyone else, you have a meter which fills up as you commit any wrong doing such as picking locks on lockers or stuffing students in litter bins etc they will chase you down if they see you comit the crime and if caught you can escape their grasp once but if they catch you again there is no escape and they will take you to the principle, to your dorm room or to class depending on where you should be at the time, lastly there are the bullys they wear white shirts and just pick on any one they see and cuase general havok by throw stink bombs these are the ones that start on you from the very frirst time you set foot in the school gate. The game runs on a clock, there are classes to atend in the morning and afternoon here is where you unlock abilities and stuff you can use, for example Chemistry class allows you the ablity to make stink bombs, fire crackers etc, Art class helps you with being a hit with the females at the school as kissing them heals you, English allows you to be able to either talk your way out of beating or gives you witty putdowns should choose to fight, and Gym gives you extra fight moves and better aim with your slingshot once you get it Shop class improves your ablity with bikes once you have that option and photo class well i'm not sure what purpose it has yet i'm not that far in with this class to find out, you can choose to skip class if you want but you wont upgrade and the Prefects will come looking for you if your caught they will take you to class, the clock has other times to be aware of at 7pm the main building is closed to students but that doesn't stop you from being able to go in just expect added security, after 11pm no student is allowed out side so if your seen you will be chased and if caught sent to the dorm, Jimmy can only stay awake until 2am if you get past this you will pass out due to tiredness and wake up where you fell this can lead to you being robbed and somone taking money even your shoes if they are good enough so try to get back to the dorm before 2am even more so once your able to leave the school and wonder around the town. Like GTA there are missions to undertake which range form collecting stuff, getting something from a bully, races and list goes on and they are quite humours especially the cut scenes for them and there are also side quests that students may ask you to do which appear as blue X on your map again these vary from stuffing 3 students in a locker or 5 kids in a litter bin to picking lockers. Overall : There is so much to this game it would take for ever to list it all and I haven't played it fully yet i'm not even half way through but what i have played has been very enjoyable and well worth the Purchase.