Great game in a rather unique setting.
So is it? Can I flip out and kill students and faculty?
No. There is no guns. Least none that can kill.
Theres no killing at all and the violence is quite tame compared to usual Rockstar Games fair. Probably the worst you can do is knee someone in the nads.
But theres no blood or anything, outside the boxing mini-games.
So it's not bad at all.
It's also got typical Rockstar humor, so it's a pretty funny game. The run down? You get dropped off at this School for something like a year while your mother and ya step dad go on a cruise.
You have to survive the school.
Which actually is pretty easy.
The game is easy.
Combat is ridiculously so. You could likely get through this game in about 15 hours.
But I wouldn't let that put you off the game.
Though short, it's incredibly sweet.
The game is immersing and uses a setting not exploited enough in the video game world. I hope they make a sequel/franchise out of this.
Graphics are about on par with San Andreas or The Warriors.
The sound, particularly the voice acting is good.
I feel the musical score however, to be over rated. Though I liked the 'nerd' battle music =p
Anyway, though short - it's a sweet game and easy to recommend.
If it were a little longer it'd easily get above a nine.