Bully = Great Rockstar Game

User Rating: 8.6 | Bully PS2
I rented Bully last week and really enjoyed playing it. Bully is a well put together game with great gameplay and an interesting storyline and plot. My major complaint with the game was the long load time when you first start up the game and just load times in general. I never noticed the load times being so bad with Grand Theft Auto.

Gameplay is what makes this game great and includes going to a morning and an afternoon class with the rest of the time being left for missions or exploring. The classes were enjoyable except english which was tough to figure out different words from the same letters. You get to play dodge ball in gym class which was a blast. The missions that I experienced dealt with helping out different nerds. You get to provide protection for one of the class president candidates by shooting jocks in an auditorium with your sling shot. There are prefects running around the school trying to keep you in line. You have to be careful about trespassing in the school after hours, going to the girls dorm, being outside pass curfew, missing classes, fighting, wearing the school uniform, etc.

I got to the second chapter after liberating the nerds from the school bullies in the first chapter. I completed art class, gym class, chemistry class, and one module of english class. My character was a girl kissing fiend with the ability to throw bullies into lockers or trash cans or just give them swirlies in the toilet.

The graphics in the game were good. It could have been better with more character models because you see a lot of the same people walking around. The frame rate drops off at times, but was not that noticable. The background graphics are realistic looking and show a good amount of detail.

The sound in the game was good. As with the character model complaint, there are only a few sound bites that you get from the characters. It could have been better if characters had more lines to say to you. The sound effects of the bell ringing, punching someone, etc. sounded realistic. The voice acting was great and portrayed the character models very well.

I would recommend this game to anyone that can deal with the long loads times. The game is well put together and enjoyable to play. I did not get bored and was staying up way too late at night playing this game. It was easier to get into because everyone has dealt with bullies at one point or another in their lives.