Great PS2 title
The characters of the game all have their own personality, stories, and interactions. Obviously the more important ones show this more strongly than others, yet every npc has a name and unique dialogue. Most games will make generic npc's all with similar voices and actions. Bully took the time to make every student act a certain way proving that this is no generic title.
The world is realistic and looks like a school and a small town. Even the interior section are very detailed and large. Certain things like the boys dorm were made a bit too tiny but there really isn't a purpose to have it be any larger other than a sense of realism.
The story line is great but at the same time it is a bit of a double edged sword. If you haven't played Bully this section might be a bit of a spoiler. I'm aware you shouldn't compare this to GTA and I'll probably never here the end of it after this is posted, but, this game has the same plot line as the past few gta's. Make some friends, get betrayed, go off on something other than revenge (usually involves building up the gang you work for), right when everything is good you get backstabbed a second time, (san andreas and bully share the rioting feature), then ending the game with beating the person who backstabbed you in the begining. I'm aware thats not what you want to hear but it is still true. I still think the story is great and really fun to play but it still follows the rockstar plot schematic.
Mission are unique and insanely fun, nuff said.
Classes should go above 5.
The storyline should be longer.
(Not really bad) The game should let you free range a bit, if not in the main game at least after you win. I'm talking about taking sides (spoiler) even though you "run" all the factions aka gangs, you never really get to join them. You're with the preps but never really a preps sorta thing. More weapons, the selection was really cool but you stop getting new stuff after you help out the nerds.
Something more should have been done with the jocks, they never have a role other than beating up nerds... Greasers fight preps, they get sub plots due to Lola, and other things I don't feel like giving away. The preps and the nerds get more of an indepth feel than the jocks do. The only group neglected more than the jocks are the bullies.
More stuff directly relating to the school. Helping out the drunk teacher was fun and same with the perv gym teacher. More stuff to do would be a plus.
More to do after you beat the game. I ended all the missions at like 65% and all that was left was the errand jobs to make money IE paper route or lawn mowing.
Extend the townies part.
Make Gary a bigger pain in the ass throughout the game not just beginning and end.
Thats the end of my criticisms. Still a great game in my opinion