Bully (Canis Canem Edit) is more than a sum of its parts, and one game you definitely should check out.

User Rating: 8.9 | Bully PS2
Bully is not a hard game to describe. It has all the mechanics of GTA applied to a school scenario. And it is perhaps with its unpretentious nature that the game works so well.

You will be accepting missions from fellow students and teachers alike. The missions themselves are surprisingly varied and, even though most missions are short, even the long ones have checkpoints to ensure that you're never too frustrated on your playing session. And you never should be since the game also leans towards the easy side.

The fighting mechanic is very well done and is reminescent of The Warriors. Even though the player will be fighting other kids, the game manages to maintain a light side and even the story is surprisingly well written.

The animations are wonderful, though there are a few frame rate hits and the colors seem a bit dull.

The star of the show, however is the sound as Rockstar has gone out of its way to get the best (if not the most well known) actors for each part. The soundtrack is spot-on and everything sounds like it should. Heaven for the ears.

Overall, Bully is more than the sum of its parts, and one game you should definitely check out.