I was reading a magazine 2 weeks ago and i stumbled upon a review of Bully and they said that it was an amazing game. I had heard and seen quite abit about this game and decided to buy it. The jist of the game is that you play as Jimmy Hopkins, a rough kid who's been expelled from every school that he's ever been to, and so his mother and her new husband ( acording to Jimmy, she gets through quite a few) send him to Bullworth School. Basically then you have to try and earn the respect of all of the various types of groups by doing missions and odd jobs. Now, as it's from rockstar and it is kinda the same as the GTA series i thought that it was going to last. I was wrong. GTA San Andreas took me over a month to finish, This on the other hand took me 6 days. I still occasionally go on San Andreas still as there is still alot to do, even after you finish the main story. This on the other hand there i found that there wasnt that much that you can take part in, except races and maybe going to the carnival. And to be honest the surronding area in which you can rome isnt that big. I was dissapointed with this title, which is kinda sad as i had heard alot from it. To be completly honest, i think it would be better to rent the game than rather buy it.
Most of us out there will not ever have to play Bully, the newest offering from Rockstar Games. there is nothing new here in content for anyone over the age of 17 anywhere, and I'm not talking about similarities to the G... Read Full Review
Bully is the debut title from developer Rockstar Vancouver (formerly Barking Dog Studios known mostly for Homeworld: Cataclysm) which has endured hardships most games won't ever be able to comprehend. But now that Bully ... Read Full Review