Mmmmm burrrrrrgerrrrrrrssssss
User Rating: 9.8 | BurgerTime INTV
In Burgurtime you take the roll of Peter Pepper, head chief on a day were food goes bad. It’s you (Peter Pepper) against evil ruffled pickle slices, evil sunny side up eggs and evil boiled hot dogs, the only problem is they have shrunk you to their size and those burgers still need to be finished so what do you do? Whip out your handy dandy trademarked pepper to stun those evil foods and if you are lucky they will get stunned on or under the burgers you are making. What’s that? Oh, how do you make burgers when you are smaller then an action figure? Easy, they are premade just walk on the parts to put‘em together you are just enough weight to make the burger parts squeeze through their holders! So can you do it? it might be a little tricky if you don't have the controller inserts (you know what I'm talking about) NOTE1: the music is a little addictive NOTE2: grab the food that pops into the middle to replenish your pepper supply NOTE3: after you are done with "Burgertime" perhaps its time for "Dinner"?