You'd think they could spare it and put some tracks in this game

User Rating: 5 | Burning Road PS
Like I said, there is almost no tracks. You have 3 tracks, that are actually meant as skill levels. Please do practice them a lot. i have never been able to finish the last race and win in my fav car. So I guess I'm not pro enough. I use that green thingy. The game itself is actually addicting. But oh wait. actually it's not that addicting at all. you will run 3 races on it, get tired of it, and put it away for a week. Then maybe see it lying on the floor. Want to hear that sweet music. Put in the game and run another 3 races before your bored of it again. That pretty much sums up the whole game. It certainly is fast. The graphics though aree sub par even for back then. However, the land graphics were very well done for the time and you could sit and enjoy lookin gat the scenery. For about 40 seconds, then you run out of time. A little more effort was needed when turning this from an arcade game into a console game. Simply changing the sound tracks doesn't cut it.

This game is good enough to not be a waste of money, but you will get bored fast. Only buy it if you are totally a hard core racer.