Extremely wonderful game! You would love crashing and smacking into brand new costly vehicles, read more to find out.
User Rating: 9.3 | Burnout 3: Takedown (Platinum Hits) XBOX
Extremely awesome game! I had a time out of playing this game! The first time I played it I played as this looter sports car, and it sucked as a car, but then me and my brother started earning more cars and they started to be better at racing, then we finally won the U.S. circut racer and golly dang it, that daggum thing was goin at a top speed of 212 mph., you can also race transfer trucks and tractor trailors, (which they suck by the way at racing!) I mean after a while of playing this game though it will get old and boring on the challenge mode, and on your career mode, but, it will be so fun while it lasts. Trust me on that. If you are not a DUB racer person (like me) then Burnout 3 is just for you. And you also when you crash into cars and you can cause a royal traffic jam or a Mexican shoot out crash then you can talley up to see how much money in destruction you have caused. Now that was pretty cool to me! So, if you are a Burnout 3 lover, this is the game for you!