Burnout 3 Takedown is probably the best racing game ever made, combining mass vehicular violence with unbelievable fun.
1. Single Player
Burnout's single player is what you expect-racing across a track to be the almighty victorious racer (with Burnout road rage, of course) of the CPUs. However, it adds something new to the mix-Aftercrash (this is probably wrong-it's been a year or 2 since I played it). This new feature allows you after being "Taken Down" to still show some rage of your own by giving you control of where your car will be laid to rest-like say, in front of the enemies car! In difficulty, it gets an A-. Not because I hate it but like I said with Mario Kart Wii by the time I was later in the game it was way to tough to handle. But this is often ignored as there are many good sides to the game still.
2. Multiplayer
The multiplayer is an excellent function for Burnout. Like I said now if your friend slams at you driving at 180 MPH you can still have REDEMPTION! I haven't tried online mode (nor will I ever: see Conclusion) I'm pretty sure its contribution is more than was asked for (in a good way).
3. Crash Mode (Characters are cars-not an interesting section)
Crash mode is like it was in Burnout 2(?). You FLY off a ramp into the air and smack dab into the middle of a huge traffic jam. But like Aftercrash (or w/e it is) there's another new feature. One that will have you drooling if you've never heard it before (trumpets sound). THE ALMIGHTY CRASHBREAKER!!!!!!!!! Crashbreaker allows you after enough destruction to detonate (yes guys, DETONATE) your car in a HUMONGOUS explosion. Not only does this give you more destruction, it frickin' awesome to look at too! Now all you need is the gas tankers to come by...Muwahahahaha!
4. Conclusion
Overall Burnout 3 is after being fired from your job at McDonalds getting a new one as a extremely rich billionaire with ideas as great as this game. Yeah it makes you that happy. Crash mode's addictive, racing is amazing, and multiplayer is great. By the way when I said see conclusion for why I don't play it anymore-my PS2 lacks online. I don't know how to access it, and I don't care.