This is great! Why all the complaining?

User Rating: 9.3 | Burnout Dominator PS2
I was pretty surprised that this game got only an 8.1. I know this isn't as good as Burnout 3 or Revenge, but I had a lot of fun playing this game. It's obvious that Electronic Arts wanted to bring the old stuff back, and it was actually cool. There are also a few cool new modes. The graphics are amazing. They were always amazing. The car models are great, the reflections are beautiful and the frame rate is very good. There are some blocky textures though. The crash physics are gorgeous as usual. Sound: Well, I don't know, I'm not a fan of this music because I listen to metal, but that's just what I think. Others might like the music. The crashes sound realistic.

I am stil surprised at those ratings. The game deserves higher. It's an instant classic.