Looks isnt everything and who mix the soundtrack should be shot
Sound - Same engine Noise thats pretty generic its not that poweful but I just wish there was some ambience in the stages then just hearing the engine boosting up or the hiting against metal noise but hey who gives a flying F**** my problem was with the choises of Music. Why the F**** they had to put 4 Avril Levine songs in a racing game, are these guys are seriously on crack of the choises they made. God I wish I had a pistol to shoot the person who thought "hey lets have 4 diffrent Avril Levine songs in a Badass game like Burnout" what a F****ing ReTard.
Gameplay - Well its like EA is becoming more lazier in the years with there series of games or just wanting to really stop the burnout series by just using the same gameplay from Revenge and then have a unique mode like crashmode taken out which I dont really mind, instead theyhave the burnout chaining from the old burnout game that I never played before, but hell at least crashmode is taken out since it wasnt that good in legends but I feel sorry if you have a PS2 and wanted that mode badly or at least hoping its improved but I know there either putting the effort on the next burnout game for the PS3 and Xbox 360 when it comes out since this one really feels like a rush job of just wanting burnout fanatics to buy it.
Overall - I just wish this one had more features for the PSP to be worth 40 bucks then to just have less features, better looks, a crappy soundtrack and reused gameplay from the pass game but the burnout chaining can be a addicting for the future but I wish the tracks were built with less hills and slopes to make it easier. Its good for a quick play when theres nothing to do but its the same old burnout while this one is a clone of Revenge on the PSP but with less features like Legends is a clone of Burnout 3, THATS WHY THEY HAVE TO STOP killing a good series.