Very good, but not awsome

User Rating: 8.4 | Burnout Legends DS
I love the burnout series, even though I have (and own) only Burnout Revenge for the Xbox. Burnout Legends for the DS was one of those games that great potential for being a great game, but of course, it turned out to be a pile of cow crap to most people, but when I heard this game was coming to the greatest handheld device that beats PSP by SOOOO much; I was like OMFG YEAH YEAH!!!!!!!! BURNOUT ON MAH DS!!!!!! AUGH!!! WOOT!! and so on. so i watched this game progress through development and was excited when it was relased. I checked the review and nearly shat my pants when I saw the score on Gamespot and!! I was sooo freakin dissapointed by the score. So being the money spender i am, a month after it came out, i went to future shop and bought the last copy of burnout. As i drooled profusevly over the game as i turned on my Ds, the intro move teased you, physcing you up for a true Burnout experience. So when I chose my car and got into the race I was like "hmm, wow- i got taken out by a car that fell from the sky"- which really happened, but the when I crashed, i saw the cool damage that couldve been pumped up a notch. This game may have been rushed and those guys at EA or whoever made this game removed WIFI, which sucked; its a fun game. Lots of cars, lots of tracks, fun modes, (stay away from crash mode, ive seen better explosion come from me when im on the toi- ooh, lets not go there)- The opponents are dumb as crud, they only follow a certain path, they can get taken out very easily, the scenery is awsome. So everall, if you can get by the crappy car handling the horrible collison detecion and NO LICENSED MUSIS, I really enjoyed this game, as a matter of fact im going to go play it now.

To the producers of this game (if you some how EVER come across this overly long review) i have some ideas if you are ever gonna remake this game ( or create a new burnout for the DS) You should have less cars, 70 was too much even for me, you should have better handling, like making the car look like its actually turning, instead of it looking like the world is moving around the car, more sparks from crashes and bumps, WIFI!!!!!!! LICENSED MUSIC!!!!! when you crash, debris from you car should stay on the ground, not dissappear when it hits the ground. You could try and fix the collision detection- like when you take a car out, you should have the car bounce of of yours, not morph into it. and you should remove the crash mode. No horrible explosions for the system. Oh and make teh car catch air off of large bumps and stuff, and have ramps so you can get air points