Burnout is a great series. I have every Burnout from the first two on the GCN to the most recent ones on the XBOX, and when I got a PSP and picked up this game, I was hoping for the best, and that's exactly what this was. Now, if you think this game is awesome, don't be fooled by the one our for the DS of the same name, because that game sucks. Bad graphics, horrible gameplay... but this game, the original, is near flawless. The graphics are beautiful, for one. Everything looks awesome, the details of the cars, the evnirments, the crahses, it's all great. And you also really feel like youa re going very fast when your driving, which is amazing on a hand held. The game is also huge. With so many levels and cars, it'll take hours upon hours to unlock everything, and then even more time to get all of the gold medals, and all of the other extras throughout the game. Even then, you'll have to go online and race other people to get all of the unlockable cars in every class. The music is also awesome, for it's great to here some rock when you're plowing through traffic and down hill sides in you sweet muscle car. The only I wish was different is that the cars should have had stats. You kind of just pick the one that looks the fatest, and they may all even be the same speed... I'm not too sure. This game is fun, and if you're really looking for a challenge... try to get all of the golds... now that's a feat.
I can tell you the truth I really didn't like Burnout and Burnout 2 at all not even a little bit, but when Burnout 3 came out I was all over that. Criterion had made a huge step into the next best thing, Racing and Cr... Read Full Review
I think burnout is an excelent car game with a very large choice of different cars e.g (compact cars,muscle cars,assassin cars,special cars,heavy weight vehicles,sports cars,and cop cars. But there's one cop car in each... Read Full Review