Un like Takedown this one is a let down. It was cool for awile ten i started to notice some bugs.

User Rating: 5 | Burnout Legends PSP
Crap, crap, crap This game is Soo annoying. There is so many little things that are soooooo bad they all add up. I loved Take down but this is a total Let Down. At the beginning the game was good but then it relied to much on pursuit and that mode where you just hit each other. When you are playing you clip or sideswipe some thing You flip in to the air like a mad man (not in a good way) then if your opponent does the same thing nothing happens 2 him.There is just to many little things like that in the game it just ruined a good franchise. Allthough the grapics are pretty dang good and so is this the lighting because you can see the reflection of the trees on your car and other thgings as well. The environments a pretty cool as well You can see little things goin on like a plane flyin in the background and whatnot.
You should rent it though because a lot of people like it and maby i am missin something.