Some bugs, and anoying stuff, but i dont care: Graphics: Not bad at all. Could be better, but it is not terrible. Car models are great. Why do you say they look like bloks? I see pretty car models. Sound: Nothing wrong here. I like the music. Not rock and roll, but i dont lissen to music in games anyway. And the engine noise gets lower volume, when we use boost. Add to the speed IMO Gameplay: Takedown: Its hard to do a takedown. Ram them from the side, only result in a "rubbing" or "battle" score. You must ram them from the behind, but they keep swinging from side to side. Traffic: Why on earth do people "complain" about too little traffic? I think "finaly" I keep crashing in to them often enough as it is. Only bad thing is, its not easy to collect "near misses" Glitches: The cars can pass trough an another car, or object. But why is that a problem? The problem is when my car is in auto mode (during a takedown) it often dirrect me to an wall, or strait to an bend (without turnig) Turning: To start with, turning can be difficult. It as an lag, witch can be anoying. But with practice, you can turn and controll it. Want a game with horrible controll? Try "Collin McRae Rally 2" for Gameboy Advance. (or any CmrR game) Crash mode: The only dissaster here. There is not traffic at all. Just 5 cars in the junktion. Lucky if you can catch more than 3 cars. After the crash, you are just watching a picture...booooring. So NO this is NOT a "bad" game. Only a few glitches, but i can enjoy the game anyway.
I love Burnout. I love my Nintendo DS. I don't love games where there is no skill to winning the game. This is one of them. In Burnout DS, your opponents, instead of being ruthless on the track, trying to destroy your ca... Read Full Review
Burnout Legends for the DS is obviously the worst Burnout game in the bunch; however, I have trouble calling this a Burnout game. There's nothing remotely Burnout about it. The PSP version was a great game that solidly c... Read Full Review