Great Game Buy this

User Rating: 9.1 | Burnout Legends PSP
This game is a great game even though it is pretty much Burnout 3 all over again.

The gameplay on this game is great. It is like Burnout 3 except for PSP but it is still really fun. There are a few ne gameplay game modes though. One of the is pursuit. It is where you can be a cop car and try to destroy the target. This is also an option is multiplayer mode. In the multiplayer pursuit you have more options. You can either be the cop, the target, or the escort. The escort is where to try to help the target not get caught. There are also some new cars that you can get and som more crash courses. The mutiplayer is really fun also.

The graphics are really good. The grahics on the cars are really good and mostly everything else is really good. But of course there is always something wrong with the graphics. The thing that is wrong in this game is that in crash, when you crash and you are watching the rest of the crash, square parts of the road start shaking and it looks reall weird and it always does that and it gets very annoying.

the sound is absolutely amazing. Everything is great in it and I could not find anything wrong with it except for one thing. On one of the cars in the sports series engine skipped but that was it. Nothing major enough to take of a point.

Overall, this game is great and is worth buying if you have a PSP. Anyone with a PSP should get this.