Looks great as apposed to other racers, but oddly, you won't like to race. This makes for a boring game in good time.

User Rating: 5.5 | Burnout Paradise X360
Sure its fun to crash cars and just ride around the city, but the races aren't to great. It's too hard to turn and you can't really see walls coming 80% of the time ( I mean small walls).
Now, the game isn't bad, but the fact that most races are too hard sometimes, this takes away from the game. But, what makes up for this, is the crashes are great and when you really think about it, rather realistic, and the open-world deal makes this feature even better.
Now, about the soundtrack....... it sucks. Fall Out Boy not only sucks, but is unfitting for a hardcore racing game. Luckily, on the 360, you can play some of YOUR music, but if you don't have any music, prepare to be annoyed. The only bearable song is "Paradise City" by Guns n' Roses, but dont expect to hear it much outside of the title screen.
Overall, you can rent this. If you're a Burnout veteran, you'll probably enjoy it. If you're not, I don't recommend starting out on this