what is it about this game i love so much.The sheer beauty of the visuals.The challenging yet rewarding system of tak...
The gameplay is orginal and sweey and the cars feel like they are different unlike other burnouts.The gameplay is superb and the racing to me never gets old and the takedowns....more viscous then ever.
The stong points about this game is its mangler the ripper of cars..Tht takedown system which shows more car crashes then bravos cops uncut and the map is preety well designed but sometimes can really bite you in the ass when your in a race...whats up with the navigation !!!!!!!
This game has some flaws though like...if a car nudges you you go tumbling to your fiery death and the sometimes the races get really,really,really repititive.
The game does what it says on the tin and i respect it for that and as far as casual gaming boes its right up there with the very best...uncontrollable fun...8.5/10