Very nice looking
Game play………………...10/10
Keeping your interest….…..9/10
Multiplayer…………….....…5/10 ( have to be online for 2 - 8)
This game's graphics are really nice. There's a lot of race's in this game and the city is like your play ground you can go were ever you want. For race's just go to an intersection and burnout your tires and the race will start the other race's will jump in wan it starts. Fined hidden roads and short cuts to get ahead of the other race's, or just fine one big ramp to jump over everyone. it will keep your interest for a long time this game is really fun. Every crash looks different than the last one, sometimes you just want to go in a head on collision just to see what happens to your car. The cars look sweet as hell. If
you're a burnout fane I would recommend this!!!