burnout paradise,fictional and broken to me.but great city though
burn out is one of those kinds of racing games that bring arcade and racing to a new level.
i have played more or less all of the burn out games release before paradise and i have to say i did like them all,each one brought a different kind of gameplay and a whole new features which is fun.burn out is pure entertainment,sadly im not pleased with paradise.
ok at the beginning of the game when you start to play for the first time,it offers something unique, you can put your own picture on your License isnt that cool?if you think about it was really cool for when paradise was released.
after you setup all the settings and you begin the game you are asked to get a car and fix it.after you do so.you realise that this is actually very nice,you have the whole city to yourself.
now you can start racing and also ride through the city freely.
ok wasnt burn out suppose to offer cars blown up in to pieces and cars hitting cars?well how the heck is it gonna work to go around the city?do you get what im saying,burnout just made a bad decision with an open world city to explore,need for speed underground 2 did that and failed,it just doesnt work anymore,no body likes to drive a car in the city inside a racing game,i thought people understood after NFS underground 2.
what you will end up with is a racing car that you drive really fast,in the city,if it is night time and you fail to see your front road you will hit it 100 times every time just like the last time and even the same place.you will also end up trying to drive your car on the road in the city but you keep hitting walls,building and so on.because the car you are driving is way too fast to control.go back to the last burnout game on ps2,we had all these mini game type of races we could have chosen,for example the one you had to crash to alot of cars on the highway to get points,now burn out paradise doesnt have that,and you know what?BO paradise has drifts events!im not really happy with BO paradise since i can see a major change in the events and the game itself.
now listen to this, burn out paradise is based on nothing but your driving License,the whole point of the game is to win events and upgrade your driving License.i think in total there are 4 or 5 different events in the game,such as takeouts,driftings and getting the points,racing from point A to B and so on.
another thing i found during my playing of the game is that there are events marked on your map that you can do and when you do it gives a small tick on that event.after you upgrade your level of License all the ticks are gone and it looks like you have to do the same things again.you will end up playing the same level 3 or 4 or even 5 times through out the game,i have no idea what, the point of this is apart from making the game more boring.i think there are about 80 cars in total,and as you know they are not real cars they are just fictional.
you can find paintshops,boost shop(give you boost),and afew more shops along the city and you can also find new locations for them.submissions or sub event are such as breaking the billboards and afew more.another thing that is worth mentioning here is the fact that if you look closely no body i mean person lives in this city.if you damage your car enough you can see that nobody is actually in your car!?!whats with that ?they failed to make people on this city.not even in your car.funny no?
the city looks great without a doubt,a very nice city.
but the game lacks gameplay and alot of elements for racing and originality is missing.
6.5 out of 10.