Burnout Paradise of the PS3. ( offline only)

User Rating: 9.5 | Burnout Paradise PS3
Burnout Paradise is a new game that just came out for the PS3 & the 360. Let me be the millionth person to tell you that if you own a PS3, BUY THIS GAME! It's not like other burnout games where you just jump in and play. You need to know the city and by knowing it, you will do good in this game. How do you learn it? Just explore! It's a free- rome game. You WILL need time to get to know Paridise city. It would be dumb if you jump in a race and know NOTHING about the city. PERIOD. Not telling you anymore on how to do good in this game.THE END.

PROS: -some people say don't listen to the hype. DON'T LISTEN TO THEM! -racing and crashing is awsome - showtime is awsome - everything is awsome - what else can I say???????????

CONS: - is you like arcade style games ( i.e. Burnout 3) then you will be dissopointed - it will take time to know the city - showtime seems like it has no purpose

overall, Burnout Paradise turned out to be a great game for Burnout fans and people who like street racing games. Just be careful because if you like burnout because if you like burnout for the arcade fun, you will not find it here. Almost forgot, NO SPLITSCREEN. There is of corse online but this is the offline verzion review.If you are a newcomer on the PS3, buy this game. NOW. RIGHT NOW. GO. NOW!

A 9.5........................out of ten........

This review is an honor to Alex Navarro *cries*

" Cagney" Review.

"Cagney" is an update to Burnout Paradise, in which a lot good new features to the game have been added.

One thing that you will notice when you pop in the disk is the change in menus. The main color in Burnout is Orange- and it's eaiser to navagate thru menus- all in a cool looking way. Also, the game is more online based now, and it brings you news on whos the top of the Burnout world and also you can compare your scores in Burnout with your firends.

This leads to new yet fun online modes including Road Rage, Marked Man, and Stunt Run. All of these events are slightly different then the ones in single-player, but still a lot of fun. With that being said, These events are ment to be played with more than 2 people since some of them include teaming up. But once you get the game going, it could but a lot of fun. The new game modes aren't the only things new to online. There are also new (hard) time challanges to do with our friend and could be a hell of a fun time. These include- jumping off of buildings, jumping over each other, crashing each other, meeting in a certen area in the city, and much, much more.

There is also custom soundtracts where you can easily activate in the free drive section. Enough said.

There is also (yep there's more ) new cars (no motorcycles yet) which you can unlock by doing timed challenges (?). You could unlock hippie vans!!

All in all the "Cagney" updates is another reason you should start picking up Burnout Paradise again.