Highly Addictive. Probably one of the best arcade racers you'll play this year.

User Rating: 9.2 | Burnout Revenge XBOX
I'm a huge fan of this game simply because of the replayability. I can play this game and with all the diffferent types of game modes it never gets old.

I'm just going to make this a quicky but if you're a fan of fast paced, reflex testing, racers this one will definitely be right up your alley.

A new feature I especially liked was the traffic attack. You are now able to hit cars from behind and launch them into other racers. I really like this feature because you can just plow into same way traffic and send them into all types of stuff. Definitely caters to your more destructive side.

Great graphics and soundtrack IMO.

DEFINITELY worth a rent or an on-sale pickup.