Kick-Butt Racing and Crashing Action!!! (Best Racing on the 360, and most-importantly, it is FUN!!!)
Anyway, this is a really great racing/action game, and the graphics are beautiful! The cars explode into a million pieces, and look much better than the X-Box and PS2 versions. I loved Burnout 3, but did not bother to pick up this game for my older systems because I didn't feel that the game really needed an update at that time. However, I am glad I waited, and this game has renewed my enthusiasm for the Burnout series! It is really fun to fly off a jump and land on top of an opponent's car, especially if that same person slammed you into a cement barrier a few minutes earlier! Plus, the new system allows you to immediately identify your on-line rivals that need your revenge by showing a red icon above their car, so you know exactly who deserves to be smashed into a wall! On top of all this, there is a very long single-player game with lots of different kinds of things to do and levels to progress through to keep you busy.
Overall, this is a great game, and definitely is a true "next-gen" game despite the fact that they issued a prior version on the older systems. It has the most important thing a video game can have in my opinion, and that is that it is FUN right from the beginning, but doesn't lose your interest in a few hours!