I was really shocked when i first played this game... it was... simply amazing... much better than i expected.....
really fun doing the crash sections, where u get money from setting up a huge car crash XD hehehehe ... then there's the simply amazing graphics..... :) and u get to pick car colors, YAY! :) the graphics are good, like most games, but i really like how they make use of it... like during takedowns u see the front of the car, and then when u boost u see the screen around u look dif, its really cool =P
The song tracks i really like too ^^ XD really good job, i dont think there's really anything wrong w/ it... cept the slow loading like takes a while going from race to race, or back to the main menu cuz w/ that autosave thing =P otherwise, its pretty much perfect
basically i just started playing it today, but then i think its a game i played for like 4 hrs on the 1st day, something i havent' done in a while, since FFX i think =P.. ez controls too, all i've used was accelerate, steer and boost [X, directional pad, then r1] =P oh.. and r2 to make the car explode