If you have never bought a Burnout game before, You must buy this one.

User Rating: 9.6 | Burnout Revenge PS2
The Burnout series has been growing strength to strength with every new title brought out and the latest game is no exception. Burnout revenge takes you on a tour of the world to different locations based on famous places, for example there is a place with what seems to be a colluseum in the background. The cars are once again as cool as ever, with ever sort of car that you can think of, and of corse they are pumped up to the gallon with boost. The addition of new stuff, like ramps, shortcuts and traffic checking makes this game even more thrilling. With the ramps, you can try and score a vertical takedown and with the traffic checking you can try and get a traffic check takedown. But the ultimate takedown is the revenge takedown. When an enemy has taken you out, a red marker will appear above that driver, try and take him down and you can get the revenge takedown. This game has to be the fastest one of the series and makes me wonder what's in store if there is to be a burnout 5? My advice, get off the computer and go and buy this game