Not exactly a revolutionary next step for racers, but certainly more of a VERY good thing!

User Rating: 9.2 | Burnout Revenge XBOX
The Burnout serious has become the measuring stick for all racing games in my book. Many people will argue that it's not a realistic racing sim and that it's not customizable enough. Well, you may be right. But, since I'm old enough to have a driver's license, I know what it's like to drive a real car and I don't necessarily need that in a game. And, I'm not reallying into "pimping" my ride, so, a fast-paced, energetic arcade racer works great for me. And that's what Burnout Revenge is.

I'll start off with the graphics and sound. Overall, not much different from the last version of Burnout 3: Takedown. The graphics are still great and there are some cooler animations especially when it comes to crashes. So, while there's nothing completely new with the graphics, there are some new things to see that make it very exciting. Not the least of which are the different tracks. Some really nicely rendered cities, countrysides and mountscapes. Very nice detail, although you really don't have time to look at it all while you're flying around at 200 mph. Still, very nicely done.

The sound is just right. Fortunately, they got rid of the annoying DJ from the last version and when straight to the music. And I must say, the music is just right for the game: fast, energetic and addictive. Of course, if you don't like the music, you can always insert your own soundtrack. The choice is yours. Beyond the music, the ambient sounds are also very nicely done. The wind in the mountains and the echo off the city highrises are equally impressive. All of it just adds to the experience.

The gameplay is just as tight as ever. Control is easy to learn and challenging to master and most importantly, not at all different from the last version. The control is tight, and responsive. It feels very natural, even if it isn't realistic. The speed, though, is what is so awesome. Unlike many other games, you really feel like you're flying at deadly speeds. What was that quote from Top Gun? "You're not happy unless you're going Mach 2 with your hair on fire!" Well, Burnout certainly feels pretty close to that statement.

Now for what's new compared to Burnout 3: First, many new tracks and some new locations. Each location is done very well. From the industrial feel of Motor City, to the cobblestones of Europe and the curvey mountain roads. But, let's face it, some new tracks aren't enough for most people to buy the next version. So, what else? Well, new twists to Crash Mode are worth it. Including the addition of wind factor and lots of new ramps and obstacles, including a "Target Car" that you need to take down in your massive pileup. None of them completely change the game, but they do make them more challenging and ultimately more fun.

Besides all that, there are some changes to the overall racing experience. For one, not all traffic will cause you to crash now. Traffic going in the same direction as you, can simply be bumped out of the way, or better yet, bumped into your competition. In my opinion, this is the singlemost impactful change in the game. Instead of completely wiping out when you come around a corner and encounter a slowpoke in front of you, you can just move them out of the way. This makes the pace of the game even faster and allows you to focus on other challenges in your way. Plus, this can be a great tactic to take out the guy in front of you if you can't seem to catch him. This is a REALLY nice change. Beware though, buses and trucks will still cause you to wreck, and stationary and oncoming vehicles will as well. But, at least you don't have to worry about the slowpokes ahead.

If that wasn't enough, there's more. There's in an in-race crash breaker you can get. That means that even though you've crashed or been taken out, you can explode your car to get the guy next to you. This is another fun addition. But, you do have to get through the game a little to enable this. It's not there right off the bat. Another new thing I like is a little blue light that indicates shortcuts and side roads. While not always shorter, than can give you some advantage in races. Some, however, are absolutely necessary when it comes to beating a specific track time.

There are few more odds and ends, but, those are the most glaring additions. In my opinion, Burnout is the "Madden" of racing games. There is no better, and this is the measuring stick all racers should be compared to. Burnout Revenge does not disappoint. This is everyone a sequal should be. Just one complaint, EA, where is the replay? I miss that.

All in all, this is simply a great game!