Crashmode is still my Fix
I can tell you one thing about the graphics that bother me the most is that the PS2 version has better lighting then the 360 version so the atmosphere looks better on the PS2 which is weird since the 360 was the only powerful next gen console back then and on the xbox360 version the reflective surface on the cars look pretty ridiculously shiny and even the PS2 version looks better which is pretty sad. There is one thing that surpass the PS2 version with the graphics and thats the scratches the car gets when it keeps hitting a surface over tune and it gets it paint chip off by the end of the race which looks pretty cool after the race how badly your car gotten for a long period of time duking it out with all those other cars.
The sound, sounds a bit more realistic this time around with the traffic cars zooming pass by you and the nitrous sounding more louder and meaner this time around but the soundtrack is the same but it cant be modified like the PS2 version to seperate the songs to be played only for races and only for Menus which is my favorite feature to make the music balance in the game, but then agian you can use your Music from your hardrive so thats a big plus so far if you perfer your own music instead.
The gameplay remains the same as before so yeah it just a beef up pretty looking burnout revenge in HD with just the exact same gameplay except, like I said before in crashmode you just hold down the B button and boom your off to crash as many cars as you can for about a 1 million dollars in damages.
My ratings:
Graphics 7/10
Sound 9/10
Gameplay 8/10
Replay Value 9/10
OVERALL 8.5 not bad for a two year old game but I cant stop coming back to it even if it aged a litttle