I got to admit it's really good but with some flaws also, hope you like the review. ( I wont exaggerate by the way)
Now the negetives, it's true i had fun playing this but there's some flaws, or let downs you should know about. Firstly you'll notice that the places you go to get really repetitive in world tour. Secondly there isnt that much difference in car speed unless your comparing 160 to 200 mph(but they're are fast cars). I also got bored of burnout revenge faster then i did compared to the 3rd. Only a few good songs, and the mode where you blow up cars with you own is not are exciting as before,(due to the fact that is was new).
Overall: The game is great for a racing game. So if your looking for a action packed racing game this is for you to atleast consider or try, and you wont be too disappointed