Square decided to eliminate the traditional fighting game life meter and try to make the most realistic sword-fighting game they could. This is what makes it so unique: You get hit in the arm, you lose usage of that arm. You get hit in the leg, you hobble around for the rest of the match. And if you get hit just right in the neck or torso, you're dead. In addition to this appealing realistic fighting system, there are three stances to choose from, adding strategic depth to the game: Knowing when to wield your weapon high, medium, or low can greatly effect the outcome of a fight.
Though this game is best if played with another person, the 100-man challenge in Slash mode makes it infinitely fun even if you're by yourself. This thing kept me occupied for five hours one night, until I was finally able to get through it without dying.
The one problem that I had with this game, which takes its overall quality down to four stars, is simply that they forgot to add a cancel button to take you back to the main menu. So basically, if you're in Arcade mode and want to quit and give Slash mode a try, you have to reset the whole thing. This little annoyance is really the game's only drawback.
Though Bushido Blade has been out for a while and has far been outdated in graphics and all that(I really wish Square would remake it or something), I haven't played many fighting games that equal it in the fun department.