Why is it that I like Bust a Groove. It is a fairly simple rhythm game. Not much to it. Hit the arrows in sequence before every fourth beat. That is pretty much it. But for some reason I was mesmorized by it. Basically you pick a character from about eight possibilities and then dance off against a ladder of opponents. Not much else to it. But the graphics and sounds are what sucked me in. I first saw this game while waiting in line for Star Wars Episode I. A couple of guys in front of us had a portable generator and had a PS and a portable TV and were playing this. And I could not stop watching. The fluid dance movements of the characters and the grooving soundtrack had me hooked. I played the game for an hour and the next day bought Bleem and a copy of the game. The game is not a challenging game and if you can keep a rhythm and tempo in your head, you will finish the game in short fashion, but if you want a groovy soundtrack and fluid graphics (by 1999 standards), pick up the game. You can probably buy it now in the used bin for a couple of bucks.
Other Helpful Reviews for Bust A Move: Dance & Rhythm Action (Limited Edition)
Introduction: I had heard a lot of good things about this game, before I actually bought it. So I went right ahead and bought the game. Popped it in the Playstation and expected to see an above average game. I stoppe... Read Full Review
This was a awesome game. I mean this is a PS classic. It is one of those games that were alone on the PS. That is one of the sad things about the PS, and its history. It had great games, but bad consumers and history aft... Read Full Review