How could this game get such a low score????
I was over at my cousins house one night, we were playing on his N64. He pulls out this game and challenges me too it. Now I'm not one for puzzle games in the first place but the minute I started playing head to head challenge matches, I WAS HOOKED!
My only regret is that this game was introduced in the middle of a puzzle craze. Like all those Yahoo puzzle games you can play online and donwload. So I feel this game never got the attention it deserved.
The first game of this series was done for the SNES and it literally pionnered these "pop the colored ball" games. The first was not that great. Very plain, but in most ways was the same as this one. Except this one has gone the extra mile. You can battle your way thru various stages of the game, each getting more harder than the next. The other options are to go head to head against the computer, which is fun. Maybe a little pointless, but fun none the less. Last you can challenge your friends in a battle royal! Thats where the real fun comes in.
Have you ever played a game where the seconadary games are more fun than the missions would be. Like Socom US Navy Seals, more fun playing online with or against people than play with the missions on the disk. The missions are allmost like practice for when you go online and show your talents off, right? Same thing here. Practice, practice against the missions and the computer, then walk in and slaughter your friends.
This game is simply addictive, to play against friends and when your not doing just that, the game adventure is more than enough to keep you going with this title, plus, practice makes perfect!
2 very minor let downs of this game is, the down-time "compared to the N64 version", but your not playing the N64 version on your PS2 so, that one kinda gets cancelled out. The other is the smoothness of the graphics compared to the N64, but if you have never played that version, then you not missing anything! How could a game, get such a low score when tons of puzzle games have been based around it? The game is based around the arcade version, then was put on PS, N64 and the PC. But again, the people at Acclaim must have just thought one day, "hey, what can we do to waste some money today? I know, lets put this game on 3 different platforms and see what pans out!" I don't want to be too critical here, but this game didn't get the attention it deserved. The game has been great to me, and many other people I'm sure, so now, I'm giving a little back. Lates!