I guess the rain is really in Africa. If you ever chose to go there to hunt it wont be any thing like this game.
Being a hunter my self I must say this game is very fun. There is no story to this game which is a good thing, Dangerous hunt 2 tried that a failed miserably. This game is basically just point shoot and hope you killed it in the first shot. I have many gripes about this game how ever and being a hunter as well as a gamer I once again feel that I am one of the only persons that should review this game.
The Good:
This game had a lot of fun themes. From shooting at herds of animals on the back of a jeep to hunting down trophies in a awesome big five challenge. This game also introduced a scoring method they called integrity. Basically this is measured by writher or not you used the correct caliber for the animal and shot the animal so that it died in a ethical non painful way. I liked this because it made getting good scores on taking animals harder because unlike the first Dangerous hunts you cant take a elephant gun and blow a animal the size of a small dog 10 foot across the screen. This game also introduced wing shooting in witch you shoot ducks. This made the game more than worth having.
The Bad:
The game had time limits to every challenge. This would be ok if the fact that some of the animals were so small they could only be seen if they ran out in the open and in a place that their bodies did not blend into the back ground of this game. The Ugly:
This game was so unrealistic that its corny. The fact that some how you can slow down time and stop a monsters rhino from flattening your sorry ass or a Lion eating you alive is bull **** They explain it as a phenomenon known as hunters survival trait. I under stand this and have experienced it a few times my self. Once when I was charged by a American black Bear it happened to me, but it is not some thing that last for 5 minutes. It was over with as soon as I pull my gun up and shot the animal killing it instantly. To me hunting games are simulators and there for should not be unrealistic like this game is.
Jerks Conclusion:
This game is very fun but I would say that it is not the best hunting game ever. I like this game I really do. But taking that away from the equation and you get me telling you that don't judge any thing else cabalas has put out by this one. I would recommend this to the off seasoned hunter who wants a overly sugared tasted of African hunting. I give it 5 out of 10 or 2.5 out of 5 because its dreadful lack of being realistic. -Jerk