Wish this game was better
The AI is way to dumb: the wild life isn't intelligent enough, would have been nice if they wanted to survive more and was a lot smarter when it comes to getting away form the hunter (the invisible walls plays a part here for sure). U'll see some situations where they are running around in circles and that spoils the whole being-in-nature setting.
All levels have a trophy animal, that has to be kill to end the level. Some levels have boss fights, but they're all done the same way. Still good there are there tho.
Some things are ok, shooting has a nice slowdown follow the bullet camera action. Standing by a lake in the woods and shooting ducks also feels good. Graphics are ok , nothing spectacular, but still ok.
Didn't pay much for it and I did play thu it. Also gonna check newer versions, when they are cheap, because if they could make it work – then its cool to walk thu nature and kind of relaxing game type to play. A shooter where U don't get shot at lol. And O I got moral enuff to always try my best to get a clear shoot, so I don't maim the animals :).