hunting..?? tricky ? or just a stupid game?
The only downside to this game in its playability is that the screen kinda jerks or studders when you attempt to climb too steep a hill or if you try to force your character off the path.
each location has a "BOSS" of sorts and this makes the game alot of fun,
I especially enjoyed the "optional" hunts which included bird hunting of various types of birds and other tasks I will not mention as to not spoil the game for you.
Invisible walls. I realize these are necessary in games, But They get VERY irritating. They tell you to hunt a cat at the other side of the map...So you start walking through Grass and trees, Everything looks the same... Then BAM.. you have Invisible walls blocking your way. Sometimes it gets pretty hard to find where the path to wherever you need to be .
Animals run too freaking much: This was my BIGGEST issue. I realize its the realism factor, and it makes since that if you scare them, they run. But sometimes you will just walk up and they are already running around in circles like little kids on a sugar rush, Making aiming near impossible. Most the time, I would just end up chasing the animal and killing it close range because i got fed up with sitting their for an hour trying to get one shot. I actually had 2 animals run right into me and get stuck.. so all i had to do was aim down and shoot them.
One last note, if you recall alot of running after your prey through the woods trying to get a clean kill in past titles, those days are over. Using the inventory supplied, you can truly sneak up on and STALK your prey.