This game is a spectacular failure of the cabelas game franchise.

User Rating: 1 | Cabela's Big Game Hunter (2008) PS2
Do not buy this game, even if you like hunting games! This game is very, very dodgy. One of those ones where the developers were just looking to make a couple of bucks very quickly.
This game is bad because:
a) The only good thing about past cabelas games was that they were a decent hunting sim. With this game there is no real hunting. All you do is follow a brown path and eventually you come to a trophy animal and then you shoot.
b) hunter sense or whatever the hell its called lets you see all the animals so there is no skill needed to spot them.
c) no compass/wind direction indicator/ stealth meters.
d) bullet cam only works if your bullet is going to hit the animal
e) your dude is a total tosser he says things like " more animals, more adrenaline". like he is some bloody thirsty, psychopathic, serial animal murderer or something.
f) story is total bs.
g) animals simply run past you and stop to look at you.
h)The game setup makes it hard for you to do stuff like get new rifles and new gear (not that you need it anyway).
i) no archery except crossbows which anybowhunter will tell you is not archery.

In short this game lacks the little things that made games like outdoor adventures and bgh 2005 great. Gone are the days at shooting at red dots from kilometres away and watching your bullet fly just a little to high of the target. Do your self a favour and dont buy this game. Go buy outdoor adventures instead, now thats a good hunting game.