Best Cabela's game ever!
User Rating: 9.5 | Cabela's Big Game Hunter WII
This is the best hunting game I have ever played. The graphics are just like an xbox 360's. Don't be fooled but the opening cut scene those are kind of cheesy. The sound is amazing you will hear a buck pass by and there will be a louder sound then the pitter patter of a rabbit passing by. The game has a wide selection of animals and places to hunt. There are birds big game, (deer, elk etc.) and small game. (fox, rabbit etc.) Places are New Zealand Montana and South America. The Career hunt is interactive but can be a little confusing. There are some special animals like a lepord that will attack you. Sometimes those can get had. The weapon selection is great and the stats menu shows you a picture and information of all of the animals you've hunted. The instent hunt is a fun alternative if you don't want to go to a career hunt. Overall This Game gets a 9.5 it's realistic and it has great graphics and sound. If you are a hunting fan don't hesitate getting this game!