Warning: This isnt a hunting game.
You know..pick a location and some gear and sneak out into the woods quietly. Find a nice spot then call in, attract, or just wait for something to come by. Hunting. So I see Cabela's Big Game Hunter Trophy Bucks. (In the bargain bin, I should have known)
This game was so very disapointing for me. First of all It's not a hunting game, just a mediocre shooter. The title name is misleading. It should have been "Cabela's bargain bin animal shooter"
I should of looked into it before buying, but for 10 bucks I thought wth.
OMG I should of looked into it... If your looking for a hunting game this isnt worth 50 cents.
It might be ok for poeple who just want to shoot at different animals every 2 minutes, maybe ppl with short attention spans, as you quickly jump from one shoot-fest to the next, never really spending any amount of time on anything, or anywhere, unless you constantly restart each event.
Basically you just shoot everything around you as fast as you can. Rack up the kills and maybe you can win a gold medal! Oh boy!
Graphics: somewhere between poor and ok
Sound is ok
Game was choppy for me except at very low settings.
No depth or strategy, more accurately none worth mentioning
Doesnt really have anything to do with hunting.
Im fairly certain that there has to be way better shooter games out there.
Bottom line: ULTRA LAME. I want my 10 bucks back