You should waste your time hunting real deer than wasting your time playing this!
Well your a hunter thats going and hunting deer and moose and elk and whatever comes out. Thats your story.
Now the worst part,gameplay. Now first you start at the menu with some awful music playing you play career or something I forget I only played some of the game and Im not playing again. Well the first level is boring as hell you just go and hunt some elk witch is tough but then theres some stupid button called hunter sense and it shows you where the deer are so that takes the fun out looking for em. Well once your done you got to go to the pond and theres some guy whos compliments you on your hunting and then offers to take you to another part of the and then thats the level. Pretty crappy. I remember the first time playing I saw some duck and I wondered if I could shoot em and you could and then it says warning you cant shoot this deer without the rangers permission and Im like okay so I go looking for the ranger and there was none. That ticked me off. Well basically all the levels are like that exept there are some things where you have to climb up hills and walk across logs witch is annoying and there are only certain things that can kill you like falling of the log and dangerous animals except there hardly any of that stuff so this game is to easy so I stoped playing and now Im going to get rid of it,
Now the graphics are decent but I really dont care the game sucks anyway.
Also one more thing before Im done the spce this stuff takes on your memory card is like 300 or something and thats another reason not to buy this game cause it takes so much space and whats the point wasting a good amount of space for this crap.
So dont buy this game. If your looking for a fun or at least playable game get Cabelas dangerous hunts 2,youlle have alot more fun with that game than this game. I give this game a 1/10.
Read more reviews at my page drdh.