A hunting game with a story mode that replaces the hunting aspect, creating a major missed opportunity.
This is not a hunting game. This is a first-person shooter where you play a hunter who shoots animals. Aim, shoot. Then shoot again, then shoot some more. Those looking for true stealth and tracking will be sorely disappointed, since neither element even exists in the game, aside from a rudimentary crouching option that lets you stalk your prey.
This wouldn't be too bad if you could show off your trophies. There are bonus hunting missions where you even collect the trophies, yet the log cabin you see at the start is never seen from again. No trophies, no records, nothing. No freeroaming hunting either, so once the story mode is complete (took me under 2 hours total) there simply is no replayability whatsoever. Deer Hunter was doing these kinds of things 10 years ago, so why this isn't is baffling.
If the game DID allow you to hunt in the regions it provides, giving you the chance to decorate your cabin with your kills and such, always trying for that bigger buck or a massive bear, then this game's value would have increased exponentially. As it is however its lacking those and it just seems criminal since there's no good reason for the omission. The hunts you DO go on however do vary at least, with everything from hitting snakes with sticks and up to blowdarts and even tranquilizers from the back of a truck, to bows, pistols, shotguns and a long range rifle while hanging out of a helicopter door.
Technically, this game looks great for a budget title. The graphics get the job done, and the animals look and move realistically. Nothing to write home about, but they simply look and feel right. The environments are great however, especially that gorgeous sky, though the in-game boundaries are extremely limiting, reminding you how linear the game truly is, which no hunting title has any right to be.
The sounds are top notch, especially those of the weapons, which range nicely, even though the rifle is far and away all you'll really need. The music is surprisingly good, and the voice acting as well.
The best way to sum up the game is that is it better than expected in ways it shouldn't really be, which is great, and yet lacks the quality and depth in the areas it absolutely required, invalidating any bonuses it has. Even a rental will leave you wanting after only a couple of hours, so its extremely hard to recommend, however there is definite potential and if future games could only expand on what is already here, this could be a great title to watch.