Scary game where you can catch the food, or become it.
The danger level is piled up to the rafters. I have no idea why this game didn't earn an M, and I'm not a prude. The more stout of the animals really can sneak up on your character and rip the daylights out of you. The fights and gore are quite nasty. Your character can take severe wounds and die, as I found out a few times. Ouch. Players of all skill levels would be advised to get some practice on how to aim properly with the guns. Did I mention there's realistic nightfall as well? The boss battle at the end of the African stage is one of the most terrifying things I've ever seen in a video game. I won't spoil it for you. Suffice it to say that once you've played it, I don't think you'll forget it anytime soon.
I enjoyed being able to swim across rivers as well. There are even splash noises! All the details are a treat in which to lose yourself-- from the grass rippling as animals move around on the plains, to the crunch noises as you walk in snow, to the shimmering reflections on the surface of the water. They seem to have thought of everything.
If you aren't into hunting, obviously you may not get much out of this title. However, if you have even slightly enjoyed Cabela's other video games, this will be one to rent or buy.