One of the better outdoor hunting games in a while - immersive environments, good models, but a bit on the short side..
The Good: It has some very good environments, shadows, and animal models. While it can't quite keep up with environments like those seen in Crysis, nevertheless it does an adequate if not good job portraying the natural habitat of each animal you will hunt. Voice acting is well done, and the Story Mode is rather fun as it introduces you to techniques and gear, and the many animals you can take down. AI is adequate, though I've seen better in older hunting games.. animals are a bit too tolerant of your presence here.
The Bad: There is a Story Mode, and a Trophy Mode... story mode plans and guides you through different hunts, fishing trips, etc.. you don't get to pick what and where. Trophy Mode has you design the animal you are going to hunt, then plops it and you in a simulated outdoor area and gives you a timer within which you must find and kill the animal. There is no "open world hunt" mode as we've seen in many games in the past, which lets you pick an area, your gear, and tags you wish to take, and then lets you free roam - none of that here. I should note that the timed scenarios like those enforced by fishing and trophy hunting really grated on me the wrong way - hunting is about patience and skill, never speed.
The Very Bad: Only one point, though it really detracted from the game and finally caused me to uninstall it: each scenario you are placed in while playing Story Mode, plays out like a glorified shooting gallery. You may be asked to find some tracks, place some scent or a decoy, even rattle a fake rack.. but ultimately the animals are in a pre-designated area, and you usually get one shot at them - if you fail you have to replay the entire scenario. Many scenarios are timed, or have one specific animal you can take (the Trophy - all others are illegal kills).
Summary: If you like the idea of outdoors hunting and fishing, and appreciate well-designed outdoor environments, you may just like Cabela's Outdoor Adventures (2009). The price is right, and it is definitely immersive as a hunting simulator. Just don't expect any epic hunts, or free-roaming to hunt what you choose in expansive outdoor areas.