The game is good, but....
The game has nice graphics, and music to keep you going, good sound effects, detail, and more. But what i find in most games when they make a Rome city Building game is THAT YOU ARE NEVER BUILDING ROME!. I dont understand that, you are always making things around rome, its never the actual thing. Also all the buildings are always exactly the same, and get booorrring to look at every mission. Also nothing is even of actualy scale, the coliseum is pathetically small, its the size of maybe 5 small huts combined, i find this in almost every rome game, idk y anything isnt of actualy scale, everything is so much smaller.
Besides that, it is fun watching the people go about their daily lives, but all they do is complain the whole time, and the buildings always just seem to fall apart. I mean yes this is startegic, but it announces every second of something that happens badly, it gets annoying. Plus there is NEVER enough room to build ANYTHING, you constantly run out of room, i find it impossible to actually even food and houses and entertainment out, make the maps bigger jeese.
Over all, Caesar 4 aint what it lived up to be, caesar 3 was so much better than this. I thought this game was a disgrace to the Caesar franchise. But if you really like roman games this one is for you .