This game is horrible.
Gameplay (3/10): The gameplay is boring and terrible, all you really do is make cakes for customers and get upgrades, this does not sound like fun at all, the customers will sound be more impatient and would make you angry, plus if you tap where Jill needs to go, it sometimes makes her to go somewhere else which is irriating.
Sound (3/10): The sound could use some improvement and hearing the same music over and over again could be really annoying.
Graphics (2.5/10): The graphics are terrible and not good looking at all for a Nintendo DS game.
Extras (4/10): There really isn't no extras, once you pass Cake Mania, you get to play another game which is called Cake Mania Back to the Bakery which the same thing nothing doesn't really change at all.
Overall (3.5/10): This game is not worth getting at all, if you are a fan of cooking games, you might want to rent this game first because I don't really see anything great or decent in the game at all, think before you buy this game.