Gnarly Multi-Player Fun

User Rating: 6 | California Games SMS

California Games on the Sega Master System is a sports title featuring different popular West Coast sporting events to play through. The six events featured are surfing, skateboarding (in a half-pipe), BMX, hacky sack, roller-skating, and frisbee. Each event has its own unique control scheme and overall learning curve so while the total length of the play is short, there is a decent amount of gameplay to learn. The key with California Games is that it features multi-player, and your enjoyment of the game really depends on that. Playing solo, you may find some enjoyment learning to master the different events, however there isn't really a story or compelling reason to keep playing. With friends you all get to compete with each other (placing in the different events), and you can have as much fun with your wins as with your failures. Consider this game a must have if you and your friends still like to boot up the SMS for some fun together, otherwise it is more of a novelty.