This game also was found on the Commodore 64 as well. Why dont you guys ever mention the c64 for these old games? :(
I only ever played this on the Commodore 64 but like the Lynx and all the other systems this game ROCKED!!
I remember playing for hours at BMX and Surfing as well as skateboarding just to attain that perfect score from the judges
The game with the ball was fun but it wasnt for me.
Sound wise I thought it was brilliant, specially for a game of its time. The C64 had great sound anyway but I still remember that cheesy california music everytime the game loaded and it makes me smile.
Graphics wise it was it was very good for its time. That little bmx certainly looked better then any other game of its time and the surfing was amazing with the ripple of the water and the way the surfboard handled. The skateboarding was okay but I preferred Skate or Die myself or 720o as those had more things you could do and had a bit more scope.