THE pefect H.P. Lovercraft game
First of all this is NOT your run-of-the-mill FPS. This is more in line with an FPA- better known as a First Person Adventure. Although the gameplay cosmetics are not as intuitive as say, Metroid Prime, the vehicule that lends to it, is intuitive enough to make the experience enjoyable.
Please note that under the gameplay category, I can happilly say that this game does retain the creepiness of the famed literature, and contains horror elements that might entertain or scare the bejesus out of gamers.
Without spoiling too much, you would be pleased to know that the insanity effects are well done, as are also the puzzles that don't feel too cumbersome.
The only fault I have with the game is respawning enemies. Some people might enjoy this as it can tend to make a game longer, others like myself might be turned off by this slight annoyance.
This is one of the games, just as in DOOM3, where the sound adds to the whole experience. From weird sounds, to creepy voices, to tense music- Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth immerses the player in the mesmerizing Lovercraftian horror dimension and elements.
Voice acting however are boderline bad. They get the job done, but IMO, could have been a bit better to increase the immersiveness of the game.
This is the major and glaring fault of the game. Truth be told, the graphics are dated. They are functional but nonetheless dated. One can only imagine how the horror factor would've been heightened with better graphics.
Overall this game is a MUST buy for Lovercraft fans and I would also include horror fans. Regular gamers might want to pick the game up when the price goes down, or rent first and see if you like it enought to warrant a buy.