WhoooAHH!!!, what was that!!!!???? This place give the crips!!!
...and the only thing you can do is run, and block the door behind you!. This game will make you feel totally diferent from other FPS, you will be actually scared from this folks!
Some shooting in a strange manor, will make you see some things, really bizarre, and make you go mental for sometime... (6 YEARS!!!!)
Just when you were traying to regain your mind sanity, the phone rings, with some strange mission on the other side..
next thing you are on a bus. Destination : Some lost fishing town...
Since your arrival to the town, you felt that something was not right, first, no one agreed to answer your questions and blow you off in a rude way!
Some accident make you realize that you are there by your own. And after that your peace of mind will be further by the minute...
Mission update!... GET OF THIS TOWN ALIVE!
Yes, this game is a technical beauty, meaning, the game doesny use the latest shader quality, but make it through, the ambientation is fantastic, (RECOMENDATION : PLAY IT IN THE DARK AND LOUD)
i promess this game will make you jump of your sit several times...
The control is perfect, when you are dizzy is really difficult make a shot :)
The details that have taken in consideration are fantastic, when you get shot or a broken bone you will experience dizziness, lack of audition, etc.
and dont let your men get to wacko!, because you`ve been there and you dont want to be there again!
in conclusion, this game is an beautiful audio, mental, visual, experience!
H.P. lovecraft lovers, this is your shi"ยท$%
From ARGENTINA whit love....