Big red nothing!
User Rating: 5 | Call of Duty 2: Big Red One PS2
While this game is a visual masterpiece and offers an array of interactive situations, I find this game to be cumbersome in its control and lacking in a number of other areas as well. First, while I understand that the weapons in this game are historically accurate, let's remember that this is a game a realism past a certain point make for a lousy game. The guns are difficult to aim and in that respect it really detracts from the gameplay. My biggest beef however with Big Red One is the inability to recharge ammo without pressing the "x" button. As anyone who has played this game will tell you, there is a lot of things going on at any given moment and it makes it hard to focus on fighting and picking up items. Overall I give this game a 5 becasue while it is a feat, visually, the gameplay itself leaves a lot to be desired. Man, I wish I hadn't finished "Gun" so quickly.