A very good game.If it would had came out earlier it would have been better.There are alot of WW2 gamesout.It seems old.
User Rating: 7.2 | Call of Duty 2: Big Red One GC
Just to let yall know Call Of Duty 2 is just not any WW2 game.It has like an feeling.Like an extreme rush. With your fellow comrades you face germans.You join different ranks in the game from privite to general.Also you develop a closebond with your soldiers.This is a good game not a great game.I suggest you rent it.So myreview is an 8.1.Rent this game im telling you.Okay this my short review of Call Of Duty 2 the Big Red One.You got to rent it.Thanks for reading my review.I hope you will be reading my other reviews this month.Okay.That is it.All I can say it's god.Been there done that.